Stars: the magic of the night sky

Stars: the magic of the night sky

← back Stars: the magic of the night sky At night, the sky sparkles with tiny diamonds — each one is a star. Come take a look. Stars do more than just glow. They keep our planet warm and guide us through the night. They help bring to life everything in the universe,...
How plants get animals to help them grow

How plants get animals to help them grow

← back How plants get animals to help them grow Plants are super clever about spreading their seeds far and wide. Some make colorful flowers so insects pollinate them, which helps plants make seeds.  Others grow fruits that animals love to eat, so they take the seeds...
How do bees make honey?

How do bees make honey?

← back How do bees make honey? Making honey is a busy job for bees, but they’ve got it down to a science!  Just one bee does a tiny bit, but when lots of bees work together, they make more honey than they could ever eat. Let’s see how they do it! 1. When bees...