Lighthouses use one tiny lightbulb

Lighthouses use one tiny lightbulb

← back Lighthouses use one tiny lightbulb Lighthouses have been guardians of the sea for ages. One might think they need a lightbulb as big as a whale, but they only use a tiny lightbulb.   Let’s find out how that’s possible, and hear the stories they have to tell...
Cleopatra: the last Pharaoh

Cleopatra: the last Pharaoh

← back Cleopatra: the last Pharaoh Cleopatra lived from 69 BCE to 30 BCE (Before Common Era dating system counts years backwards). She was born in Egypt. In the history books, Cleopatra’s name shines brightly. She’s a symbol of intelligence, power, and courage....
Cracking the secrets of Morse Code

Cracking the secrets of Morse Code

← back Cracking the secrets of Morse Code Ever wondered how spies talked before smartphones? Let’s tap into the world of Morse Code, where every dot and dash holds a tale waiting to be told.  We’ll explore how Morse Code came to be, how people and animals use it, and...
The great salmon run

The great salmon run

← back The great salmon run Once a year, salmon embark on an epic quest. They swim hundreds of miles — battling currents, escaping predators — never stopping to eat.  Let’s follow them on their journey to see what’s all the rush! The incredible journey of the mighty...